I have always wanted to make a difference in some way since I was a child. I knew I could inspire in some way and make our world a better place and help others. I was always fascinated with bees, took many photos of them and thought to myself, someday I will have a bee hive. This past year my dream of working with bees came true and I have grown to respect and love these amazing creatures who give so much to us. Their complexity and ability to communicate is fascinating. I have so much to still learn, however one thing is clear and simple, we need to help them! Since I've been more aware of honey bees and their importance to our planet and food chain, I've also realized how endangered they are. Like so many fragile ecosystems under threat, so are the honey bees. What do we do when something is endangered? We protect, educate, breed and build a sanctuary for them to thrive! This is my vision and dream for Queen Bee Sanctuary, and I hope others will feel the same way.

If your interested in helping with our mission at QueenBeeSanctuary, please consider making a donation!
Thank you from the bees!